Wednesday, December 29, 2010

the journey...

Well, I’ve nearly been travelling for 24 hours. At this point, my thoughts are lost amongst exhaustion and frustration… One year. Intense. I don’t know if it’s quite set in. I pray that home becomes something new. I hope that new faces and missions become familiar and necessary. I honestly have no idea what to expect. Thousands of miles away from everything I know...

I feel a lot of inspiration, which is exciting, but my heart is still in America for now, as I get used to living without the usual and the normal. So much love was poured on me in the past months to prepare my heart for this new endeavor. Now that same love will flow out of me.

It’s so amazing that I can leave the country feeling like I brought everyone with me! There is so much love to spread and share. I couldn’t have done this by myself. As an independent person, it’s a special thing that I can say that! God has moved so much in my life this year. I barely know myself anymore, but that’s a glorious thing… All I know is Christ, and that’s the way it should be. Thank you so much to all those who supported me in thought, prayer and especially in finances. I legitimately could not be here without you! Just rest assured that God has me now. I'm so excited for things to come! He's got big plans... I can feel it!

I know I will get to a point in this venture where I will just want to be home or be able to hug my mom, and I pray in those moments that God will give me strength and hold me close. I know that God has sent me here for a season, and I will trust in the plan He has for me here.

Prayer requests - Health/safety during travels, a willing heart and mind, and just prayer for my involvement here in Africa.

