Sunday, July 10, 2011

galatians 6:9

"Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up." -galatians 6:9

One of my friends sent this verse to me out of nowhere. And they aren't really a good friend that knows me well, they just felt God's prompting and responded accordingly. It's truly brilliant when God literally speaks through fellow believers around you. The timing couldn't have been more perfect.

I oftentimes find myself aggravated over so many little things that build up to something BIG. It feels like I do good and do good and do good and at the end of the day I've received nothing but negative feedback or people around me have taken advantage of the fact that I chose to do good. Of course looking back on my complaints, I realize how miniscule they truly are and how much bigger they seemed at the time...

Your mind and emotions can play dirty tricks on you sometimes: making things seem way worse than they really are. I almost feel ashamed for the semi-pity parties that I throw for myself in bitterness at the end of the day. But this verse encouraged me: doing good is exhausting. "Let us not become weary," insinuating that people were becoming weary. Doing good goes against our human nature... It's a nature of God, so we have to try and work and struggle at it. Doing bad is effortless, but the weight of guilt after is impossible to bear. There's encouragement even beyond knowing that others have felt your pain: in due time we will reap, but if and only if we don't give up!

God's timing is true. We don't understand and interpret time as God does. He has a much bigger picture in mind. He knows when that harvest will be ready... It might be a heavenly harvest, but all God asks is that we don't give up. The good that we're doing, however fruitless we feel it might be, is producing a harvest that one day we will reap.

As a Christian, we must realize our faith is founded on it NOT being about us. Therefore, doing good now for no "apparent" reason may seem crazy to the world, but is honorable and just in the eyes of our Savior. The world can convince us that what we're doing is meaningless, and at times, we see that as truth and we grow weary. But when the little things pile up and weigh you down, start looking for the little things that God does and has done in your life. You will then start to see the Kingdom right before your very eyes. The glory, peace, comfort, joy, love, grace, everything GOOD!

Who can be weary before such a beautiful, awesome, and powerful Creator? That's right, no one. Do not grow weary for the Lord is upon your life and wants to help you with the little things.


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